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The Benefits of Backbends and Twists
Backbends open the front chest for improved breathing. Twists can help relieve digestive issues, washing the abdomen clean.
Asana: Gateway to Consciousness
As our practice unfolds, it ultimately sheds light on how asana practice interfaces with the mind, consciousness, and prana (life force).
Releasing Tight Muscles
When first embarking on asana practice, it is common to experience range of motion challenges. A common reaction is to think that one...
Yoga for Mind-Body Detoxification
“As a temple or a church is kept clean each day, the inner body, the temple of the soul, should be bathed with a copious supply of blood...
Introducing Trikonasana
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) is a basic standing pose, and the third pose pictured in B.K.S. Iyengar's Light on Yoga, after Tadasana...
Refine your Practice: Tadasana, Urdhva Hastasana & Savasana
Tadasana, the Mountain Pose, is the primary standing pose. Tadasana is neutral, meaning it has no particular bias and is neither...
The Benefits of Practicing Inversions
Inversions, poses that turn the body upside-down, practiced regularly and safely help to restore the nervous system. Shoulder Stand...
The Aparigraha of Asana
Each of us lives in a mind-body complex that takes its current form from our responses to the biological predispositions at birth and to...
Deepen Your Practice
Deepening your yoga practice is like sending roots into the earth, creating stability for your body/mind. Know that your practice is your...
Asana: How to Know When to Come Out...
Students in yoga classes sometimes believe they should stay in an asana (pose) until the teacher says to come out. Maybe you have been...
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