!Holá desde México!
I am serenaded by the deep and rhythmic roar of the ocean, my constant companion, breath becoming synchronized to the rise and fall of this music. My skin drinks in the moisture of the tropics and I imagine storing it up to soften my return to the New Mexico high desert.

Each day, we come together in the exquisite open air studio of Yoga del Pacifico, practicing on parota wood flooring, surrounded by views of lush foliage and breaking waves. We are a diverse lot, and yet as compadres we practice, play, and dine together in groups, large and small, finding solitude and companionship amidst these exotic natural surroundings. I am grateful for the simple kindness of the local people and their tolerance of my frequent question, "¿Cómo se dice... ?" (How do you say...?), while I dig through my mental archives for the bits of the language I learned in high school. For me this is a dream come true and a mind-opener as I deeply relax in the incredible beauty of this place, integrating that which is alien into my consciousness.
¡Hola desde México!
by Nishtha Jane Kappy